Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lifted By Air

Lifted by Air (written 2000)

You may see yourself clear but the blemish upon you can be seen by no common mirror. You have caught my body, and bought my time, this world thinks itself is what I am of, but I am in it, and it, I do not love. You have never thought to have sought for what you have ought. The reason of animosity I hold is not of you as a one, but the hate is for the deeds you have done, its of the atrocities so bold that have been committed and I tell you with care those customs must be admitted. I was once on your side defending my acts of being a whore, but it took a loving young ambassador to bring to light the might I spent to sell myself and look at the times of before. Again and again I swam in sin looking for reality within. I found fault but disguised it with salt. The taste was bland like the salt-water sand. It made me tick when I drank a drought of it, but I did not realize that it was making me sick.
I had not shelter nor peace to confide in so I went to darkness to find a spot to hide in. I found it familiar. I was living in solstice of the only Son, where love was lacking and light was none. My heart was callused and eyes blinded, my soul was headed to torment, at my own cross, I was binded. Hanging bare with nothing left but pain, to look back and cry at what I had to gain.
But as I was walking a man stepped up to me, He stayed by my side and kept up with me. Our pace was synchronized in rhythm, then I saw His face and I realized it was Him. He called me to kneel and make a stand for life. He then took my hand and breathed into me the breath that casts out death. He sent me back and lent me the Holy Spirit as a down payment until we meet again. It took Christ to show that I was nested in a tree with the burning fire below. That is why He gave me wings to fly.

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